View Selector

View Selector
The View Selector lets you choose what you want to display on the left half of the PIM Control window.

Basics View

The Basics View is the default View when PIM Control is started.  It gives you access to the three most important operations on a PIM. 

Mission View

The Mission View lets you select an existing Mission or create a new Mission.

Status View

The Status View displays information about a PIMs status including the time it was started, how long it's been running, and how it's configured.  It also lets you change configuration parameters.

Log View

The Log View displays the PIMs Log items.  It also lets you add new items to the Log.

Details View

The Details View displays the full details of the currently selected event in an XML-like format.  This corresponds closely to the data that gets saved in the database.

Select View

The Select View allows you to browse, filter, and select Event from the Event database.  It also lets you display/create Pivot Reports from the Events you have selected.

Other Views

If other Views are available, use these buttons to scroll to them.  Other Views may include:

Profile View

The Profile View makes it easy for shipping/receiving departments to select product-specific acceptance criteria.

Map View

The Map View shows you where your product has been.

Results View

The Results View summarizes the results from a single Event.  It is intended to be a more user-friendly alternative to the Details View.


Pressing this button causes the current view to expand to fill nearly the entire window.  This is most useful when in the Select View, allowing you to see more of the database fields.  Pressing the button again returns the current view to it's original size.