Remote Layout

Remote Layout   

Button Text

Specifies the text that will be displayed on the Remote's button.


Display or hide the button.

Hold to Lock

In the default Layout for PIM Control, buttons that execute Missions (Quick Buttons) only execute the Mission on a single tag.  The button on the Remote Control window is used to 'hold-down' the Pimware button so that the current Mission repeats.  Selecting this option changes this behavior.  Instead, any Quick Button will repeat if it's held down for at least 1 second.

Initial Mission

Specifies the Initial Mission that will become current when the Layout is loaded. 


Display or hide the button.


Display or hide the Current Mission Selector   .  This, by default, shows the currently selected Mission.  It can also be used to select another Mission (see the Show Mission List option below).  The Current Mission Selector can also be displayed on the ID Bar if you want to hide the Remote window.

Mission List Filter

If the Current Mission Selector is being used to change Missions (see the Show Mission List option below), this option lets you control which Missions are available to the user.  Only Missions in the specified folder are shown.  For example, specifying 'Company\Receiving\' would only offer Missions listed in that folder, or any subfolders.

Pulse while executing

In the default Layout for PIM Control, buttons that execute Missions (Quick Buttons) give no direct feedback that they were clicked, other than the flashing yellow light on the Remote window.  Selecting this option causes the Quick Buttons, themselves, to flash while the associated Mission is executing.  This is especially useful if the 'Hold to Lock' option is selected or if the Remote window is hidden.

Show Mission List

The Current Mission Selector, whether on the Remote window or the ID Bar, can be used to select Missions if this option is selected.  The list of available Missions can be controlled by the 'Mission List Filter' option above.


Display or hide the button.