Clone Step

Clone Step
This step produces one or more "clones" of a selected PIM.  Each clone will have the same Histogram, History, Log and Running State as the original PIM. 
One use of this Step is to replace a running PIM whose battery is getting low with a new PIM, without losing any of the accumulated data.  The new PIM "takes over" where the original left off.
Another use would be to maintain an unbroken track-and-trace chain when large quantities of product are broken down into smaller units.  A pharmceutical company could, for example, monitor a batch of vaccine with a single tag through production.  Then, when part of the batch is packaged for shipment, a clone of the batch tag could be attached to the shipment.  The clone would contain the batch number and entire temperature history of the vaccine.
When you hold down the Remote button to read multiple PIMs, the first PIM read will be considered the "parent" and each subsequent PIM read is considered a "child".  If a child is in the Reset State, it will be turned into a clone of the parent.  Requiring the child to be in the Reset State is a precaution to prevent inadvertant cloning of running PIMs.  Unchecking the checkbox will override this and automatically reset every child.
When executing a multi-step Mission that contains this step, steps prior to the Clone Step will be executed on the parent PIM and steps after the Clone Step will be executed on the child PIMs.