Multiple Reader Selector

Multiple Reader Selector

Mode Selector

Selecting anything in this dropdown list, other than "Multiple" will return you to the single Reader Selector window.

Reader Selector

This is a list of the Readers that are available to use.  Select Readers by clicking the checkboxes next to the Reader Numbers (the Reader Number is printed on the back of the Reader).  Readers can be selected and deselected at any time, even while other Readers are running.  This list will change as Readers are connected and disconnected from the computer.

Overlap Panel

Use this area to specify which Readers conflict with each other.  Two Readers are in conflict if it is possible to position a PIM such that both Readers can see and communicate to the PIM.  In this case, the Read Zones (shown as a red circle around the Reader) overlap in the area of the PIM. 
You can tell PIM Control about Reader conflicts by dragging the Readers on the Overlap Panel as necessary to show the overlaps.  PIM Control will automatically control the Readers so that overlapping Readers are never run simultaneously.


This rectangle represents a selected Reader; the number inside being the Reader Number.  By pressing and holding the left mouse key, you can drag the Reader across the Overlap Panel as needed.  When the Reader is inactive, the rectangle is White.  It turns Yellow when the Reader is polling, looking for PIMs.  It turns Green while a Mission is being executed on a PIM. 
A Red rectangle indicates that the Reader has been disconnected or in some other way malfunctioned.  If this happens, it may be necessary to disconnect and reconnect the Reader.  You may do this while other Readers are running.   

OK button

Pressing this will save the current Reader configuration as the new default, and close the Multiple Reader Selector window.

Cancel button

Pressing this will restore the Reader configuration that was last saved, and close the Multiple Reader Selector window.