Check Alarms Step

Check Alarms Step
Use this Step to test for Alarm conditions.  Pressing the Yes button will show you the Steps that will be executed if any of the conditions are met.  The No button will show you the Steps that will be executed if none of the conditions are met.

Low Temp.

This condition tests for whether the temperature was below a specified value for a specified total amount of time.  Leaving the first field blank disables this test.


Pressing this button determines whether the duration of the temperature excursion should be measured cumulatively (total time spent outside range) or consecutively (a single excursion must exceed the duration).

High Temp.

This condition tests for whether the temperature was above a specified value for a specified total amount of time.  Leaving the first field blank disables this test.


This condition tests whether the product's Integrity fell below a specified value.  It requires that the Mission include a Compute Integrity Step before getting to this step.  Leaving the field blank disables this test.

Elapsed Time

This condition tests whether a specified amount of time has elapsed since the PIM was started.  Leaving the first field blank disables this test.

Power Failed

This condition tests whether a Power Failure was detected.  Unchecking the box disables this test.

Yes button

Pressing this button shows you the Steps that will be executed if ANY of the conditions are met.  This defaults to terminating the Mission with "Failed" status.  You may add or delete Steps at this point if you wish.

No button

Pressing this button shows you the Step that will be executed if NONE of the conditions are met.  This defaults to simply continuing the Mission.  You may add Steps at this point if you wish.