Basics View

Basics View
This is the default View.  It provides quick access to the three most important operations on a PIM.  Use the Mission View to access the full capabilities of the PIM.

Start PIM button

PIMs are ready-to-go when they come from the factory - they don't require any special setup or programming.  Clicking this button causes the PIM to start sampling the temperature and logging the results.  If the PIM was already running, nothing will change, but you will get a yellow indicator to let you know that the PIM did not restart. 

Harvest Data button

Clicking this button will cause all of the data to be read from the PIM and displayed in the Histogram, History, Status, Log, and Sensor Bar areas of PIM Control.  The data is also stored in the current database and listed in the Select View.

Stop PIM button

Clicking this button will cause the PIM to stop sampling the temperature.  The data collected remains available for harvesting until the PIM is restarted.