PIM stands for Product Integrity Monitor.  It is our name for a family of small electronic devices, created by Pimware, to monitor the condition of perishable products as they move through harvest, production, shipping, storage and sales on their way to consumers.  Their primary purpose is to provide an estimate of how much shelf life is left in the product and to do so "on-the-fly" so that handling decisions can be made in real-time.  Their secondary purpose is to provide tracking of batches, shipping routes, inspections, and other data that can validate the origin and authenticity of a product.
Pimware' first PIM product is PIM 1.  It monitors the most important factor in the spoilage of perishables, temperature.  It communicates with a Reader or Remote Control wirelessly using infrared signaling, much like your TV remote control.  It has a range of 4-5 feet and can be read through glass, translucent plastic, or even water. (see Technical Specifications for PIM and Read Range)
Future PIMs will monitor other conditions such as humidity, vibration, etc.  They will provide a choice of communications methods including Near-Field RF and RFID.