Change Settings Step

Change Settings Step
This Step lets you change what sensors are enabled and how often readings are taken.  It also lets you change how frequently the PIM checks for commands from the Reader or Remote Control.    To leave a value unchanged, leave the corresponding field blank, or in the case of the check boxes, click until you see a blue box like in the image above.  These settings can only be changed when the PIM is in the Reset State.

Sample Rate

This determines how often measurements are taken from the sensor(s).  The default is to take samples every 60 seconds.  With other data loggers on the market, the sample rate determines how long the logger can run before the history memory gets full.  PIMs have no such limitation.  You can pick a sample rate that is frequent enough to catch significant temperature excursions.  The PIM will automatically compress the history memory to allow logging to continue no matter how long the PIM is run.  See History Chart for more details.

Poll Rate

This determines how frequently the PIM looks for commands from the Reader or Remote Control.  PIMs were designed to be most efficient at a Poll Rate of 200 - 400 msec.  Faster rates (lower values) use more power.  Slower rates (higher values) use less power at the cost of the PIM being slower to respond to commands.  This setting can be used to put PIMs into a low-power "hibernate" state when they are not being used.  The recommended value for this "hibernate" state is 1000 msec (1 second).  Once in this state, it may take up to a second of holding the Remote Control button down to get the PIMs attention.
A Poll Rate of 0 is a special case.  This informs the PIM that it should automatically "hibernate" (1000 msec) when in the Reset State and "wake-up" (400 msec) when in any other State.  This is the default value for Poll Rate. 
The Poll Rate setting is one of the primary factors effecting battery life.  As a rough rule-of-thumb, the value of the Poll Rate can be interpreted as the number of days the battery will last.  A Poll Rate of 400 will let the battery last a little over a year.

Histogram Scale

This lets you select the way temperatures are mapped to Histogram bins.  The default is the use a "Celsius-friendly" mapping that maps each histogram bin to a 1-degree Celsius change in temperature.  When you display such a histogram in Fahrenheit, each bin represents a 1.8-degree Fahrenheit change in temperature.  If you would prefer to have each bin represent an integral number of degrees, you can select the "Fahrenheit-friendly" mapping.
Celsius Mapping:
-30C to 70C
1-degree / bin
Fahrenheit Mapping:
-22F to 32F
2-degrees / bin
32F to 68F
1-degree / bin
68F to 126F
2-degrees / bin
126F to 158F
4-degrees / bin

Sense Temperature

Check this box to enable the temperature sensor.

Sense Voltage

Check this box to keep a detailed history of the PIM's battery voltage.  The voltage sensor is always enabled so that the PIM can keep track of the lowest voltage seen and report that in the Status View and to the Check Voltage Step.  Checking this will additionally enter the voltage samples in the History and display them on the History Chart.