MultiClick Step

MultiClick Step
The MultiClick Step allows you to change what a Mission does based upon the number of times the Remote button is pressed when the Mission is started.
Normally, a Mission is started by holding down the first click of the Remote button (press - hold).  This causes the "searching" indicator (yellow light) to flash while the Remote searches for PIMs.  When a PIM is found, the indicator turns off, the Mission is executed, and the result is reported by turning on the yellow, green, or red light for one second.  Then, the "searching" indicator starts flashing again, while searching for more PIMs.
If the Mission contains a MultiClick Step, there are three ways to start the Mission, as shown in the following table:
Hold down
First click
press - hold
Second click
press - release - press - hold
Third click
press - release - press - release - press - hold
In all three cases, the same Mission is executed but, when a MultiClick Step in encountered, a sub-mission is executed based on the number of clicks.  This allows you to, for example, create a Mission that Harvests data when clicked once, starts a PIM when clicked twice, and stops a PIM when clicked three times.

1-Click button

1. 1-Click button
Pressing this button shows the steps that will be executed if the Mission was started with a single-click.

2-Clicks button

2. 2-Clicks button
Pressing this button shows the steps that will be executed if the Mission was started with a double-click.

3-Clicks button

3. 3-Clicks button
Pressing this button shows the steps that will be executed if the Mission was started with a triple-click.