This menu is displayed when you point to an item in the list and click the right mouse button. It provides an alternative to the standard Windows mechanism for selecting multiple items in a list. This is especially useful when using a touch screen.
Copies all selected items to an internal save area. If no items have been selected, copies the item currently highlit.
Copies all selected items to an internal save area and removes them from the list. If no items have been selected, cuts the item currently highlit.
Copies all items from the internal save area to the current location in the list.
Adds the clicked item to the list of selected items.
Extend Selection
Extends the selection by adding all items between the clicked item and the last Selected item to the selected list.
Removes the clicked item from the selected list.
Extend Deselection
Extends the deselection by removing all items between the clicked item and the last Deselected item from the selected list.
Select All
Adds every item to the selected list.
Deselect All
Removes every item from the selected list.
Pick Mode
Returns to the Load Layout format where no editting buttons are displayed and clicking an item causes an immediate selection.