Execute Step

Execute Step
This Step lets you execute a Mission that is stored in the PIMs Log.  This allows a PIM to be programmed, for example, with different acceptance criteria for different parts of the cold-chain or for different retailer's quality standards.  When the selected Mission terminates, the original Mission resumes.  The termination status of the executed Mission determines whether the Done, Warn, or Fail Steps are executed.

Mission List

Select a Log Item that contains the Mission.  The list presented is a list of all Log Items that have a Type of "Mission".


Any given Log Item may occur multiple times in the PIM Log.  Select whether you want to execute the first, last, or every Mission for that Log Item.

Done button

Press this to see and/or change the Steps that will execute if the Mission returns "Success".

Warn button

Press this to see and/or change the Steps that will execute if the Mission returns "Warning".

Fail button

Press this to see and/or change the Steps that will execute if the Mission returns "Failure".