Log Step

Log Step
This Step writes new entries to the PIMs Log. 


The new Log entries can be written to the PIMs Log, to the database as an Event, or both.

Clear button

Press this to clear the Log Items list.

Log Items

This is a list of the new Items to be added to the Log.  Click in the Info column to select a Log Item.  Click in the Value column to give that Log Item a value.

Clear Log Option

Check this to clear all data from the Log before entering the new data.  This only works when the PIM is in the Reset State.

Keep Log Option

Check this to request that, after adding the specified data to the log, all the data in the Log so far should be preserved when the PIM is Reset.  This enables you to enter data into the Log that stays there for multiple uses of the PIM.  The only way to clear the protected data is to execute this Step again with the Clear Log Option checked.  This only works when the PIM is in the Reset State.