Remote Control

The Remote Control is an inexpensive, hand-held device for interacting with PIMs.  It executes Missions that have been deployed to it using the Mission View of PIM Control.  Any data read by the Mission is saved in the Remote for later upload, through PIM Control, to the database.
Pressing and holding the Pimware button causes the Remote Control to start looking for PIMs.  The yellow light flashes while the Remote searches.  When pointed at a PIM, the Remote turns off the yellow light and executes its Mission.  When the Mission is complete, the Remote displays green for Success, yellow for Warning, or red for Failure depending on the Mission.  If the button is still pressed, the Remote resumes its search for other PIMs.  Any given PIM will only be acted on once while the button is pressed.
PIM Control displays an image representing the Remote Control in the middle of its window.  Pressing the Pimware button on the image executes the current Mission using the Reader attached to the computer.