Select Context Menu

Select Context Menu
This menu is displayed when you point to an Event in the Select View and click the right mouse button.  It provides an alternative to the standard Windows mechanism for selecting multiple items in a list.  This is especially useful when using a touch screen.   In the descriptions below, "clicked Event" refers to the Event that the mouse was pointing to when the right button was clicked.

Select Event

Adds the clicked Event to the list of selected Events.  This does not deselect any Events that are currently selected.  To deselect an Event, click Deselect Event.

Extend Selection

Extends the selection to include all the Events from the last Select Event to the clicked Event.

Deselect Event

Removes the clicked Event from the list of selected Events.

Extend Deselection

Extends the deselection to deselect all the Events from the last Deselect Event to the clicked Event.

Select All

Selects all of the Events in the Select View.

Deselect All

Deselects all of the Events in the Select View.