Login Window

Login Window
Use this window to login to the online Global database and, optionally, to your shared Company database
The first time it runs, PIM Control connects you to local copies of these databases that reside on your own computer, so no login is required.  This is indicated by a red Online button in the lower-right corner of the Main Window.   If you click the Online button while it's red, this Login Window appears.  Enter the User Name and Password that you picked when you registered with PIM Central.  If you have created a shared Company database (again, with PIM Central), enter the name of your database.  When you click the Done button, PIM Control will begin connecting to your database(s) and will display progress messages in the Status area.  When the connections are complete, the Login Window will close.  You will see a green Online button if you are online to the Global and Company databases, or a yellow Online button if you are only online to the Global database.
Clicking the Cancel button will cancel the operation and return you to the offline state, with a red Online button.  Clicking the Online button while it's green or yellow will also return you to the offline state.

User Name

Enter the User Name for your Pimware Account.  If you don't have one, go the PIM Central and register.  It's free.


Enter the Password for your Pimware Account.


If you have a shared Company database, enter it's name here.  If you leave this blank, the local copy of your Company database will be used.  To create a shared Company database, go to PIM Central.  It's not free, but it starts at only $20/month.


Progress messages appear here.

Cancel Button

Clicking this button will return you to offline mode.

Done Button

Click this button when you have finished entering your information.