Manage Log Items Tool

Manage Log Items Tool
The Item Editor Tool lets you manage the kinds of data that can be stored in a PIMs Log.  When an item is stored in the Log, it is identified by a number (the Item Key) rather than a name, to conserve Log space.  The mapping from name to number and back is done as item are written to or read from the Log.  All Item Keys are allocated from the Global database so that they are universally unique.  The name mappings, however, can be stored in the Local, Company, and/or Global databases.  PIM Control will search the databases in that order to map names to numbers.  The primary purpose of this mapping hierarchy is to allow local abbreviations to be used for what can sometimes be very long global item names.
Every Item has an associated Type.  For example, the "ProductName" item has the type "String".  So does the "Brand Owner" item.  The Type tells PIM Control how to display the item's value.  Type Keys and Names are managed just like Item Keys and Names.  New Types can be defined using the Type Editor.

Item Name

Select the name of an existing Item from the dropdown list.  Recently accessed Items appear on the list.  Select "---other---" to retrieve other items from the databases.
Beginning with version 3 of PIM Control, the "---other---" option is selected automatically. The version 2 behavior can be restored by turning off the "Skip Recent" option in the Layout Editor.

Type Name

Select the name of an existing Type form the dropdown list.  Recently accessed Types appear on the list.  Select "---other---" to retrieve other types from the databases.
Beginning with version 3 of PIM Control, the "---other---" option is selected automatically. The version 2 behavior can be restored by turning off the "Skip Recent" option in the Layout Editor.

New Item

Click this button to create a new Item.  You are prompted for the new name.  A new Item Key will be allocated from the Global database.

Delete Item

Click here to delete the named Item.

Select View

Check this to automatically add this item as a Custom Field in the Select View and in Pivot Reports.

Item Key

This displays the Item's Key number.

Pivot Report

Check this to automatically add this as a Custom Field in Pivot Reports.

Type Key

This displays the Type's Key number

New Type

Click this button create a new Type using the Type Editor.

Delete Type

Click here to the named Type.

Edit Type

Click here to edit the named Type using the Type Editor.