Results View

Results View
Note: The Result View was added to version of PIM Control.  It is designed to be a more concise replacement for the Status, Log, and Details Views, allowing all of the important data from a PIM to be displayed without switching Views.  It is hidden, by default, but can be enabled using the View option in the Layout Editor.

Event Type

Displays the type of Event.

Mission Result

Displays the final Mission result (green, yellow, or red).

Common Event Data

Displays Event Data common to all Events, such as the Location and Business Step.

Event Time

Displays the date and time the Event occured.

Event Specific Results

Data specific to the Event type is displayed here.  The example above shows the results of a Harvest Step.  Below is an example of an Alarms Step.

Harvested Status Info

For Harvest events, the following Status information is displayed:
Start Time    
Date/time that the PIM was started.
Stop Time
Date/time that the PIM was stopped.
Elapsed Time
Elapsed time the PIM has run so far (days.hours:minutes:seconds)
Sample Rate
# seconds between temperature samples.
Power Failed
Yes if there was a power failure.
Lowest Voltage
Lowest battery voltage seen so far.

Harvested Log Info

For Harvest events, this section displays the current contents of the PIM Log.  It shows the date/time the entry was made, the name of the item being logged, and the value of the item.  If there is more value data than can be displayed on one line, clicking on the value will display the rest.