Compute Integrity Step

Compute Integrity Step
This Step computes the Integrity of a specified product.  The Integrity is an estimate of how much shelf-life remains for the product.  It ranges from 100% when the product is at its freshest to 0% when the product is no longer usable.  The estimate is made based on the Histogram of temperatures that the product has been exposed to and a Life Curve defining how the product degrades with temperature.  For most products, the Life Curve is an exponential function known as the Arrhenius curve.  This Step provides several options for selecting/defining a Life Curve.

Curve Selector

Several options are provided for specifying a Life Curve.  In the image above, the "Product" option is selected.  The options available are:
Lists Life Curves that have previously been defined and assigned a name.
Creates an Arrhenius curve based on knowing a product's Q10 value.
Creates an Arrhenius curve based on knowing the product's life at 2 different temperatures.
Creates an Arrhenius curve based on knowing a product's Activation Energy.
Creates a custom Life Curve as a table of temperature/lifespan pairs.

Product List

The Product List shows a list of products that have been accessed recently.  Select "---other---" to pick another product from the databases.
Beginning with version 3 of PIM Control, the "---other---" option is selected automatically, bypassing the Mission List. The version 2 behavior can be restored by turning off the "Skip Recent" option in the Layout Editor.

Graph Life Curve

Pressing this button will display a graph of the currently selected Life Curve.   Each time you press the button, a new curve is added to the graph, allowing multiple life curves to be compared. 

Initial Integrity

By default, PIM Control assumes that PIMs are started when products are first harvested or produced, i.e. when the Integrity is 100%. If this is not the case, you may specify an estimate of the initial Integrity here.