Mission List

Mission List
This list is displayed when the Mission Selector is clicked and when a new Step is being added to a Mission. 


Click other if you don't see the Mission you are looking for here.  The Load Mission window will be displayed to allow you to load a Mission from one of the databases.


This portion of the list displays recently accessed Missions.  If different Missions with the same name have been loaded from different databases, a suffix of (G), (C), or (L) will be displayed indicating the Mission came from the Global, Company, or Local databases respectively.

Basic Steps

This portion lists the most common Steps that are used for building Missions (see the Mission View).

Advanced Steps

This portion lists the less commonly used and/or more advanced Steps used for building Missions.

Restricted Steps

This portion lists additional Steps that are only available when the Mission is executed by PIM Control.  The Remote does not support these Steps.