Layout Editor

The Layout Editor lets you customize the look and functionality of PIM Control, tailoring it to your specific application or user.  Most of the customization is in the form of hiding user interface elements that you don't need and/or moving elements to more convienient places on the display.  Other capabilities include defining custom buttons for selected Missions, restricting the user to a specified set of Missions, and specifying the initial View.
In all cases, the full functionality of PIM Control is still there, and settings that may be hidden are still in effect.  That means that if you setup the Email and Event Settings, for example, and then hide the corresponding entries on the Settings Menu, those settings will be in force and unchangable by the user.
The Change button lets you switch to a different layout.  The Save button saves the current Layout as the default.  The Save as button lets you save the current layout in the database.  The Reset button changes the layout to the original PIM Control default.
In most cases, checkboxes indicate if the corresponding item should be visible.  The arrow to the left of some items indicates that more detailed customization is available.
Note:  You can display the Layout Editor at any time by typing Alt-F2.  An  'Edit Layout...' item can be added to the File Menu as an additional way to access the Layout Editor.
Display or hide the Browse Bar.
Display or hide the Histogram.
Display or hide the History.
Display or hide the ID Bar.
Display or hide the Menu Bar.
Display or hide the Progress Bar.
Display or hide the Remote.  If your display is in landscape mode and you hide the Remote, the Histogram will be stretched to use the extra space.
Display or hide the State Bar.
Display or hide the View Selector.


Select the View or Chart that should be initially Zoomed, if any.