Check MKT Step

Check MKT Step
Use this step to check that the current Mean Kinetic Temperature(MKT) is within an acceptable range.  The MKT is computed based on the temperature distribution Histogram and the current Integrity.  It represents the single temperature that would have resulted in the same Integrity over the same period of time.  If you know how long it will take to get your product to the end user, you can use MKT to monitor whether you are ahead or behind "the curve" on maintaining the temperature.  If you don't know exactly how long your product will be in the supply chain, you should use Integrity instead.
This step must be preceeded in the Mission by a Compute Integrity step.

High Temperature

This is the highest MKT that is acceptable over the expected duration of the trip.

Low Temperature

This is the lowest MKT that is acceptable over the expected duration of the trip.

Yes button

Pressing this button shows you the Steps that will be executed if the MKT is in the acceptable range.  This defaults to simply continuing the Mission.  You may add Steps at this point if you wish.

No button

Pressing this button shows you the Step that will be executed if the MKT is NOT in the acceptable range.   This defaults to terminating the Mission with "Failed" status.  You may add or delete Steps at this point if you wish.