Reader Settings

Reader Settings

Reader Selector

This dropdown list lets you select which Reader you want to use.  The default value of "Auto" indicates that the first available reader should be selected.  The numbers are the Reader IDs for all of the available Readers connected to your computer.  Selecting one of these will make that Reader be the currently selected Reader. 
If you have multiple Readers connected, you may want to select "Multiple".  This will display the Multiple Reader Selector, which lets you run the current Mission on several Readers simultaneously.  This is particularly useful when you need to:    
  •  cover a larger area than possible with a single Reader
  •  detect PIMs from several angles, as on a pallet
  •  perform the same Mission at several locations 

Cancel button

Clicking this button changes the Reader configuration back to the last saved value.

OK button

Clicking this button saves the current Reader configuration and closes the Reader Selector window.