Other Settings

Other Settings

Temperature Units

Temperature values can be displayed in either Celsius or Fahrenheit units.  Check the one you prefer.

Play Sounds

Many actions in PIM Control produce audible responses.  Use the checkbox to enable/disable those sounds.

Report Quick Clicks

Almost everything that PIM Control can do with a PIM can be done with Missions.  Missions provide complete control over each interaction with a PIM, including the ability to combine simple actions into more complex, conditional procedures and the ability to control what gets reported to the database.  Sometimes however, you just want to do one, simple thing, like Stop a PIM.  There are numerous places in PIM Control where shortcuts are provided in the form of Quick Click buttons.  The buttons in the State Bar and Sensor Bar are examples of Quick Click buttons, as are the Get buttons in the Histogram and History charts.  Each of these buttons executes a predefined Mission "behind the scenes".  This Preference option lets you specify whether, or not, the results of these missions are reported to the database. 

Touch Friendly

Check this box if you are using PIM Control on a touch screen.  It will increase the line spacing on menus and the Select grid so that it is easier to select items with your finger.

Firmware Updates

Sometimes, when new features are being added or bugs are being fixed, it is necessary to update the firmware in Remote Controls or PIMs.  If this box is checked, PIM Control will check the version of each PImware device it sees and will offer to do the update.