Save Layout as

Save Layout as
Use this window to save your current Layout in one of your Databases.  Depending on your access rights, you may store the Layout in your Local, Company, or Global database.  In general, you may pick any name you like for the Layout, but be aware of the following:
When PIM Control connects to a database, a Layout is automatically selected using the following naming convention:
  • If the Local database contains a Layout with the same name as the Company database, that Layout is used.
  • Otherwise, if the Local database contains a Layout named "Default", that Layout is used.
  • Otherwise, if the Company database contains a Layout named "Default", that Layout is used.
  • Otherwise, if the Global database contains a Layout named "Default", that Layout is used.
  • Otherwise, a built-in default Layout is used.
These rules make it possible for each Company database to have it's own default Layout, and for each user to have their own custom Layouts for each database they use.

Company Database

Layouts in this folder are available to all users of the Company database

Global Database

Layouts in this folder are available to all users of PIM Control.

Local Database

Layouts in this folder are only available to the user of this computer.


The folder name appears here.  Sub-folders may be created using New Folder.

Layout Name

This is the Layout name.  If you use "\" characters in the name, it will be interpreted as a sub-folder selection.  Sub-folders will be created as needed.

New Folder

Press this button to create a new sub-folder in the selected folder..


Press this button to rename the current Layout or Folder.


Press this button to save the Layout.


Press this button to cancel the save operation and close the window.

Right-Click Options

Right-click the mouse to display the Select Menu.  This menu lets you mark multiple items and copy, cut, and/or paste them into different folders or databases.

Keyboard Options

The keyboard can be used to navigate and edit the item list.  The available keys are:
Up, Down
Move up and down in the list
Shift-Up, Shift-Down
Move up and down in the list, selecting each item
Ctrl-Up, Ctrl-Down
Move up and down in the list, deselecting each item
Deletes the current item and puts it in the internal save area
Copies selected items to the internal save area
Copies selected items to the internal save area and deletes them from the list
Pastes the items from the save area into the list at the current position