Status View

Status View


This section displays status information from the PIM.  This includes:
Enable Time    
Date/time that the PIM was enabled.
Run Time
Date/time that the PIM was started.
Stop Time
Date/time that the PIM was stopped.
Elapsed Time
Elapsed time the PIM has run so far (days.hours:minutes:seconds)
Start Delay
# minutes to delay starting of the PIM.
Uses Left
# of times the tag can be reused.
# samples per History interval.
Power Failed
Yes if there was a power failure.
Lowest Voltage
Lowest battery voltage seen so far.
Tick Rate
Internal clock accuracy before correction.
Total Samples
Total number of samples taken since the battery was changed.


This section displays configuration information from the PIM that can be changed.
Sample Rate
# seconds between temperature samples.
Poll Rate
# msec between checks for Remote or Reader commands.  The default value of 0 implies the PIM should autiomatically "hibernate" when in the Reset State and "wake-up" when in any other state.
Log Temperature
Yes to keep temperature History.
Log Voltage
Yes to keep voltage History.

Get Info.

Read information from a PIM.

Set Config.

Write configuration to a PIM.