Report Selector

Report Selector
This window lets you specify the default format for printed reports.  You can specify the level of detail in the report as well as the logos that are displayed in the upper left and right corners.
Standard reports include:
Single Event Summary
Summarizes the data from the currently selected event.

Summary plus Event List (this use)

Summarizes the currently selected event and lists all events that have occurred for this PIM during its current Use.

Summary plus Event List (all uses)

Summarizes the currently selected event and lists all events that have occurred for this PIM during all of its Uses.

Calibration Certificate

Documents when the currently selected PIM was calibrated and to what temperatures and tolerances.
Temperature Data
Displays the temperature data (Histogram and History) for the currently selected event in table form.
Detail XML
Displays the event details in XML form - as it is stored in the event database.

Select Report

Click to select the default format for printed reports.

Browse to image

Press this button to browse the file system for the desired logo.  The logo images selected will also be used when displaying Pivot Reports.

Reset image

Press this button to reset the logo to it's original, default image.  To specify that no image should be displayed, leave the textbox blank.

Print Preview

Press this button to preview the selected report.


Press this button to print the selected report.